The Knyaw Program
The “Knyaw Program” allows Karen people all over the world to donate a small amount of money each month to support Stronghold's humanitarian work in Kawthoolei, and Stronghold covers all the management costs.
100% Goes to Kawthoolei
All of your support goes straight to Kawthoolei. Stronghold covers all management expenses, so all of your donation can go directly to Karen people in Kawthoolei.
Giving Limits
We limit the monthly donation to just $1 per day. When everyone pitches in a little bit each month, we are able to provide consistent services year-round.
High standards
Your contribution is handled professionally. Stronghold follows the non-profit reporting and transparency standards set by the United States.
Weekly updates
You can see weekly stories about Stronghold's work in Kawthoolei on Facebook and Instagram, as well as once a month through email.