Stronghold Newsletter - Jan to Mar 2021

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WARNING: Viewer Discretion Is Advised

These updates contain photos and videos of the real-world violence, disease, and graphic injuries our teams come across on a regular basis.

Please view at your own discretion.


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What’s Happening in Burma?


Burma Army Coup

On February 1, 2021 the Burma Army staged a coup to take total control over the country of Burma.

Although the Burma Army has, in reality, been in control of Burma’s government since 1962, the move to completely remove any semblance of democracy has caused a mass upheaval throughout the country and has led to mass demonstrations and protests against the Burma Army.


Photos: Burma Army Violence


Deadly Suppression Of Protestors

Hundreds of thousands of protestors throughout Burma have taken to the streets to demand that the Burma Army step down and give way to democracy.

However, the Burma Army — who has a near-total monopoly on weapons — has responded by slaughtering hundreds of unarmed protestors and “disappearing” more than a thousand others.

Some of the pro-democracy dissidents who are captured have been tortured with boiling water, acid, and beaten with bamboo sticks until dead. Adding insult to injury and to intimidate any who would resist them, the Burma Army has been stitching these corpses using a technique for stitching animals and then dropping these corpses off in front of dissident families’ homes.

Attacks On Ethnic Minority Villages

Although the Burma Army has been attacking rural villages filled with ethnic minorities for more than 70 years, the attacks have greatly increased throughout the country since February leading to tens of thousands of civilians throughout the country fleeing to the relative safety of the jungle.

Stronghold rescue team members have reported the murder of 5 civilians, including one little boy who was shot in the head, near where we operate. Many other civilians have been wounded by mortars and direct gunfire.

In several instances, the Burma Army has also used rockets and bombs from Russian-built attack helicopters to destroy remote jungle villages.

Photos: Displaced ethnic minorities in Burma


Stronghold’s Work in Burma

Stronghold Medical Missions In Burma

Over the first few months of 2021 Stronghold has continued working with local authorities in several areas of Burma to conduct medical rescue and evacuations for civilians under direct attack, preventing imminent murders, torture, and rapes.

Stronghold Relief Missions

In one particular area of Burma this March, a village of more than 1000 ethnic minorities were forced to flee their homes and live in the jungle with little to no food and shelter. Due to the security situation on the ground, no food could reach these villagers.

Stronghold helped to cut a path through the jungle to deliver emergency relief to these stranded villagers.

After a week of dangerous and back-breaking work, the path was cleared and food, medicine, and shelters were able to be brought in. More than 2,000 lbs of those supplies were provided by a Stronghold relief team.


Photos: Delivering Emergency supplies to stranded villagers in burma


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What’s Happening in Venezuela?


Socialist / Narco-Terrorist Violence

A territorial dispute over a drug-smuggling route between several socialist / narco-terrorist groups on the Venezuelan side of the Colombian-Venezuelan border has resulted in mass violence and bloodshed.

More than 4000 people have been displaced by the conflict, including 1000 children. Venezuela’s military also set fire to entire neighborhoods on the grounds that they were helping the guerrillas.

In an attempt to cover up their own involvement in the drug-smuggling operations and the resulting fighting, the socialist Venezuelan government murdered a small family of four (a mother, father, and two children) and dressed their corpses in military clothing.

They then told the state-run media they were fighting “terrorists.”

Major Health Crisis

The health situation in Venezuela is reaching near-genocidal proportions with tens of thousands of susceptible Venezuelans with pre-existing conditions dying from COVID-19 and other illnesses.

Morgues are overflowing and people are dying in the streets waiting to get into the government-run hospitals, and the Venezuelan government refuses to release accurate numbers.

In a futile effort to prevent international embarrassment, the socialist Venezuelan government continues to refuse help from democratic, capitalist countries.

New Law targeting NGOs

The socialist government of Venezuela is in the process of enacting a new law which will essentially make it an act of treason for Venezuelan people to work with NGOs from outside of the country, even though this has been the unofficial policy for several years.

Already, entire Venezuelan-run humanitarian groups who received help from capitalist countries in the past have been forcibly disbanded and its members arrested and imprisoned.

Because of this policy, our Venezuelan medical teams are in constant danger of imprisonment, torture, and execution simply for receiving humanitarian and medical aid from Americans.


Stronghold’s Work in Venezuela

**All Stronghold photos taken in Venezuela are heavily redacted for the security of our personnel.**


Photos: Stronghold Medics and Patients


Stronghold Relief Routes

Stronghold personnel use underground smuggling routes to get emergency medicine past the socialist, narco-terrorists gangs who run Venezuela and deliver it to families throughout the country.

In Quarter 1 of 2021, Stronghold relief teams delivered more than 2,000 doses of assorted medicines to people throughout Venezuela.


Stronghold Medical Teams in Venezuela

Stronghold’s medical teams work throughout Venezuela conducting both medical check-ups for villages as well as making emergency calls for the severely ill.

In Quarter 1 of 2021, Stronghold medical teams treated a total of 1,905 sick patients who otherwise would have received no medical treatment at all.


Major conditions


Stronghold medical teams discovered and treated 818 people with major conditions in venezuela.

Major Conditions:

  • Intestinal Worms: 213

  • Respiratory Infections: 235

  • High Fevers: 347

  • Wound Cleaning: 23


We treated an additional 1,087 people for less immediately life-threatening conditions such as high-blood pressure, diarrhea, bronchitis, and a myriad of others conditions.


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would you like to help us reach more people?



  • Charity With Dignity | Your support goes 10X as far with us as we organize and enable teams of locals to care for their own communities long into the future.

  • 100% Tax-Deductible | Save money on your taxes by deducting 100% of the support you give to charity through Stronghold Rescue & Relief.

  • We Take No Days Off | Stronghold teams are working to help families in conflict zones every single day of the year.

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