Stronghold Ambulance team rescues a young boy impaled on a stick in Burma

Please Note: These newsletters may contain written descriptions or images of the violence, disease, and injuries our teams confront on a regular basis. Please read at your own discretion. Graphic images will be covered with a warning sign.

A remarkable recovery

The Stronghold team in Burma sees many violent injuries, which is typical in a war-torn country like Burma. Injuries from landmines, gunfire, and shrapnel are all frequent.

The Burma ambulance team also encounters severe injuries unrelated to the Burma Army’s violence toward the Karen people. Such an injury happened just a few weeks ago to a child in one of the Karen villages.

This 4-year-old boy (pictured) fell from a tree onto a stick, which impaled him through the lower back of his torso.

Stronghold’s team stabilized the boy and transported him through the mountains until delivering him to a remote jungle clinic.⁠

A surgeon at the clinic performed a surgical procedure called a laparotomy to remove the stick from the child’s back and torso.

Fortunately, none of boy’s organs were punctured. He is expected to make a full recovery.

This injury could have ended in tragedy. But because of Stronghold’s medical training and the ambulance team we’ve helped set up, people like this little boy are getting critical the care they need.

And it’s all possible because of our generous supporters.

You are helping us save lives like this little boy, right now.

Thank you.


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