Stronghold ambulance transports wounded soldiers

Please Note: These newsletters may contain written descriptions or images of the violence, disease, and injuries our teams confront on a regular basis. Please read at your own discretion.

Ambulance carries wounded soldiers to safety

As the war in Burma continues, Stronghold’s ambulances carry wounded soldiers to safety.

These soldiers came from a frontline fighting area where they clashed with the Burma Army. They walked - or were carried - up to a lake where the Stronghold boat ambulance was waiting. Once safely on board and under the care of medics, the trip took about an hour. It would have taken them hours or days on foot.

On the other side, the Stronghold team and local volunteers carried the soldiers to a People’s Defense Force (PDF) clinic, where they received care for their injuries.

Thank you to everyone who supports Stronghold’s humanitarian relief efforts and helps save the lives of injured fighters.

Thank you.


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Ephraim MattosBurma, Relief, Aid