Stronghold Featured in Black Rifle Coffee's Magazine

Please Note: These newsletters may contain written descriptions or images of the violence, disease, and injuries our teams confront on a regular basis. Please read at your own discretion.

Stronghold Featured in “Coffee or Die" Magazine

This week, Stronghold’s Founder and CEO, Ephraim Mattos, wrote an op-ed about Stronghold’s work in Burma for Black Rifle Coffee Company’s award-winning publication — Coffee Or Die magazine.

In the article, titled Stronghold Rescue & Relief: Applying Special Ops Principles to Protect Families In Conflict Zones, Mattos tells two true stories about horrific attacks in Burma and explains the benefits of Stronghold’s policy of “Charity With Dignity.”

The Burma Army destroys a village in Karen State, Burma.

Here’s a short excerpt:

“I’m going to tell you two stories. Both events happened just a couple of months ago in a remote part of Burma.

The first event happened around 8 p.m. on Wednesday, May 10, 2023, when a group of Burma Army soldiers entered a remote village in East Burma. Screams of alarm and terror swept through the village like wildfire as families grabbed whatever they could carry — and any family members they could find — and ran for their lives into the darkness of the night.

However, 17 people — including 8 children under age 10 — were not able to escape. The Burma Army soldiers captured them and began to commit unspeakable atrocities against these defenseless captives until finally slaughtering them all. The Burma Army soldiers threw the corpses of the villagers into a pile and set it on fire.

The next morning, local village defenders retook the village and discovered the charred remains.

That morning, I was just a few miles away assisting in another sector when I heard the news and was sent the horrific images…”


Click Here to read the full article on Coffee or Die.

We are grateful to Black Rifle Coffee Company for giving Stronghold another platform to talk about our life-saving work — which is only possible because of our generous supporters.

Thank you for helping us save lives in Burma!


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