Stronghold Ambulances in Burma - December 2023

Please Note: These newsletters may contain written descriptions or images of the violence, disease, and injuries our teams confront on a regular basis. Please read at your own discretion.

Stronghold Ambulances in Burma

December 2023

Patients transported: 63
Conflict-related injuries: 37 (59%)
Children: 6


DECEMBER Patient highlights

injured by mortars

A mortar exploded near these two patients, who received care on the ambulance on the way to the hospital.


injured by gunfire

During a conflict, this patient was struck on the head and shot.


injured by AIRSTRIKE

These three patients were injured in airstrikes. Two ended up with fractured femurs. Shrapnel struck the other patient, causing a penetrating abdominal wound. In the first image, a patient receives care from a local medic.


more conflict injuries

Broken limbs are a common injury in the hilly terrain of Burma when people are running for their lives. These patients were injured during a conflict.


girl injured on motorbike

Many patients rode on Stronghold ambulances after suffering normal jungle accidents. This 5-year-old girl had her leg broken in a motorbike accident.


sick children

These children, diagnosed with various illnesses, came from two villages to the local clinic to receive care.

The medical care and aid we provide the Karen people is only possible because of our supporters.

You are helping us save lives.

Thank you.


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