Stronghold Ambulances in Burma - November 2023

Please Note: These newsletters may contain written descriptions or images of the violence, disease, and injuries our teams confront on a regular basis. Please read at your own discretion.

Stronghold Ambulances in Burma

November 2023

Patients transported: 13
Critical patients: 6
Pregnant patients: 1


November Patient highlights

Mortar injury

A young woman was severely injured by a Burma Army mortar strike. Her leg had to be amputated below the knee, but she will make a full recovery.


Snake Bite

A woman was bitten by a poisonous viper. Stronghold delivered her to Kler Mu Clinic and then she was referred to a regional hospital.



A man with acute appendicitis received a successful appendectomy. However, he came back a few weeks later with an intestinal obstruction. The clinic treated him and he returned home again.


Pregnancy Complications

A new mother retained the placenta after giving birth. She received a cocktail of medicines while being transported to a clinic on Stronghold’s ambulances.


Baby with Asthma and Severe Pneumonia

This 1-year-old baby came in with asthma and severe pneumonia caused by an infection. He received oxygen and medical care in the Stronghold ambulance for hours until being delivered to a clinic for definitive care.


The medical care and aid we provide the Karen people is only possible because of our supporters.

You are helping us save lives.

Thank you.


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